Theoretically, Chiropractic combined with Acupuncture and herbal medicine can treat all health problems. But since conventional medicine is very effective in treating many health problems, acupuncture and herbal medicine often become a secondary alternative. However treatments that are natural, noninvasive and drug free are the best option for most health problems. The advantage our treatments are that they enhance the natural healing process. Without taking medication, these treatments help the body to rid itself of disease and minimize the side effects of medication. The following conditions can be treated effectively with our safe holistic approaches: Musculoskeletal Symptoms Sprains and Strains Back Pain Arthritis
Neurological Symptoms Stroke Paralysis Facial Paralysis Sciatica Emotional Symptoms Depression Stress Anxiety Respiratory Symptoms Common Cold and Flu Asthma Sinusitis Cough Rhinitis Gynecological Symptoms PMS Painful Menses Irregular Menses Menopause Amenorrhea Fibroid Pregnant Nausea and Vomiting Gastro-Intestinal Symptoms Gastritis Constipation Diarrhea Colitis
Gallstone Shingles Acne Neurodermatitis Allergy Cancer Acupuncture is very effective in reducing the side effects of chemotherapy and radiotherapy. It can strengthen the body's immune system and enhance the energy level Miscellaneous Stop smoking Alcohol and Drug Addiction Weight Control Chronic Fatigue Impotence Infertility |
If you need an Acupuncturist and/or a Chiropractor in the Reading, PA area contact us. Check out our Resources page if you do not live in our area.